Before Change
// We need to get task type, metric, is_sparse_or_dense information to
// construct the path to the specific metadata directory. For details see
// get_metalearning_suggestion() in smbo.py.
TASK_TYPES_TO_STRING = { // Mimic the same dict in autosklearn.constants
"binary": "binary.classification",
"multiclass": "multiclass.classification",
task_type = type_of_target(y_train)
metadata_for_this_task = os.path.abspath(
"metadata_%i/balanced_accuracy_%s_%s" % (task_id,
After Change
with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "score_metalearning.csv"), "w") as fh:
T = 0
fh.write("Time,Train Performance,Test Performance\n")
// Add start time:0, Train Performance:1, Test Performance: 1
fh.write("{0},{1},{2}\n".format(T, 1, 1))
for t, dummy, s in zip(automl.cv_results_["mean_fit_time"],
[1 for i in range(len(automl.cv_results_["mean_fit_time"]))],
1 - automl.cv_results_["mean_test_score"]): // We compute rank based on error.
T += t
fh.write("{0},{1},{2}\n".format(T, dummy, s))
if __name__=="__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--working-directory", type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--time-limit", type=int, required=True)

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 6
Project Name: automl/auto-sklearn
Commit Name: b8b9b6d34d35671fb8651f40503d51fc72477128
Time: 2019-03-13
Author: ahn1340@hotmail.com
File Name: scripts/2015_nips_paper/run_with_metalearning.py
Class Name:
Method Name: main
Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: b261f6e44d93d4a9d767d81add53f0f9071a42bb
Time: 2014-07-22
Author: bergs@janelia.hhmi.org
File Name: lazyflow/utility/io/tiledVolume.py
Class Name: TiledVolume
Method Name: _retrieve_tile
Project Name: automl/auto-sklearn
Commit Name: 145105e5dd84ca537b3eb5893fbe309edc497655
Time: 2019-02-21
Author: ahn1340@hotmail.com
File Name: scripts/2015_nips_paper/run_with_metalearning.py
Class Name:
Method Name: main