Before Change
else :
threshold = 1 /256 .
lshortfiltered = list(lshort)
for i in xrange (image.ndim) :
if 2*lshortfiltered[i] > llong[i]:
lshortfiltered[i] = 0
settings = dict(mode="nearest" , cval=0 )
axes = range(image.ndim)
sizes = [x*2 +1 for x in llong]
boxcar = np.asarray(image)
After Change
lshort = validate_tuple(lshort, image.ndim)
llong = validate_tuple(llong, image.ndim)
if np.any([x*2 >= y for (x, y) in zip (lshort,llong) ] ):
raise ValueError ("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
"than twice the noise length scale." )
if threshold is None:
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 7
Instances Project Name: soft-matter/trackpy
Commit Name: fbbe3451b053efcfb7568c4594ff36b2bc2b2437
Time: 2014-12-12
Author: caspervdw@gmail.com
File Name: trackpy/preprocessing.py
Class Name:
Method Name: bandpass
Project Name: andresriancho/w3af
Commit Name: 84f5ca067d7f151635312f804e97988509f80692
Time: 2019-12-17
Author: andres.riancho@gmail.com
File Name: w3af/core/data/db/cached_disk_dict.py
Class Name: CachedDiskDict
Method Name: _get_keys_for_memory
Project Name: deepmind/dm_control
Commit Name: d29c32aa292cf4cedb5477b69621f30a8b62bd9f
Time: 2018-10-10
Author: alimuldal@google.com
File Name: dm_control/mujoco/engine.py
Class Name: Physics
Method Name: check_invalid_state