
Before Change

        s = 0.1
        tx = [1+s,3-s]
        ty = [1+s,3-s]
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  // coefficients of the ...
            lut = LSQBivariateSpline(x,y,z,tx,ty,kx=1,ky=1)
        tx, ty = lut.get_knots()
        tz = lut(tx, ty)
        trpz = .25*(diff(tx)[:,None]*diff(ty)[None,:]
                    * (tz[:-1,:-1]+tz[1:,:-1]+tz[:-1,1:]+tz[1:,1:])).sum()

After Change

        s = 0.1
        tx = [1+s,3-s]
        ty = [1+s,3-s]
        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
            r = sup.record(UserWarning, "\nThe coefficients of the spline")
            lut = LSQBivariateSpline(x, y, z, tx, ty, kx=1, ky=1)
            assert_equal(len(r), 1)
        tx, ty = lut.get_knots()
        tz = lut(tx, ty)
        trpz = .25*(diff(tx)[:,None]*diff(ty)[None,:]
                    * (tz[:-1,:-1]+tz[1:,:-1]+tz[:-1,1:]+tz[1:,1:])).sum()
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 10


Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: 88f18876dd8336c85ee842154efe574ea1fd927f
Time: 2017-06-26
Author: sebastian@sipsolutions.net
File Name: scipy/interpolate/tests/test_fitpack2.py
Class Name: TestLSQBivariateSpline
Method Name: test_integral

Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: 88f18876dd8336c85ee842154efe574ea1fd927f
Time: 2017-06-26
Author: sebastian@sipsolutions.net
File Name: scipy/interpolate/tests/test_fitpack2.py
Class Name: TestLSQBivariateSpline
Method Name: test_linear_constant

Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: 88f18876dd8336c85ee842154efe574ea1fd927f
Time: 2017-06-26
Author: sebastian@sipsolutions.net
File Name: scipy/interpolate/tests/test_fitpack2.py
Class Name: TestLSQBivariateSpline
Method Name: test_empty_input