
Before Change

                title = self.name
                label_html = ""
                label_html_row = ""
                nrows = int(np.ceil(len(visuals.items()) / ncols))
                images = []
                idx = 0
                for label, image_numpy in visuals.items():
                    label_html_row += "<td>%s</td>" % label

After Change

                images = []
                idx = 0
                for label, image in visuals.items():
                    image_numpy = util.tensor2im(image)
                    label_html_row += "<td>%s</td>" % label
                    images.append(image_numpy.transpose([2, 0, 1]))
                    idx += 1
                    if idx % ncols == 0:
                        label_html += "<tr>%s</tr>" % label_html_row
                        label_html_row = ""
                white_image = np.ones_like(image_numpy.transpose([2, 0, 1])) * 255
                while idx % ncols != 0:
                    label_html_row += "<td></td>"
                    idx += 1
                if label_html_row != "":
                    label_html += "<tr>%s</tr>" % label_html_row
                // pane col = image row
                self.vis.images(images, nrow=ncols, win=self.display_id + 1,
                                padding=2, opts=dict(title=title + " images"))
                label_html = "<table>%s</table>" % label_html
                self.vis.text(table_css + label_html, win=self.display_id + 2,
                              opts=dict(title=title + " labels"))
                idx = 1
                for label, image in visuals.items():
                    image_numpy = util.tensor2im(image)
                    self.vis.image(image_numpy.transpose([2, 0, 1]), opts=dict(title=label),
                                   win=self.display_id + idx)
                    idx += 1

        if self.use_html and (save_result or not self.saved):  // save images to a html file
            self.saved = True
            for label, image in visuals.items():
                image_numpy = util.tensor2im(image)
                img_path = os.path.join(self.img_dir, "epoch%.3d_%s.png" % (epoch, label))
                util.save_image(image_numpy, img_path)
            // update website
            webpage = html.HTML(self.web_dir, "Experiment name = %s" % self.name, reflesh=1)
            for n in range(epoch, 0, -1):
                webpage.add_header("epoch [%d]" % n)
                ims, txts, links = [], [], []

                for label, image_numpy in visuals.items():
                    image_numpy = util.tensor2im(image)
                    img_path = "epoch%.3d_%s.png" % (n, label)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 14


Project Name: Zhaoyi-Yan/Shift-Net_pytorch
Commit Name: 8f6a6f153781d0908fb0904349aae844494026ea
Time: 2018-12-03
Author: yanzhaoyi@outlook.com
File Name: util/visualizer.py
Class Name: Visualizer
Method Name: display_current_results

Project Name: Zhaoyi-Yan/Shift-Net_pytorch
Commit Name: 8f6a6f153781d0908fb0904349aae844494026ea
Time: 2018-12-03
Author: yanzhaoyi@outlook.com
File Name: util/visualizer.py
Class Name: Visualizer
Method Name: display_current_results

Project Name: richzhang/colorization-pytorch
Commit Name: f4af199e0025065d7006fe326b55f25a74e9d625
Time: 2018-04-18
Author: junyanzhu89@gmail.com
File Name: util/visualizer.py
Class Name: Visualizer
Method Name: display_current_results