cell_type.update({i: "Ery" for i in range(1, 7)})
adata.obs["paul15_clusters"] = [
str(i) + cell_type[i] for i in clusters.astype(int)]
// make string annotations categorical (optional)
// just keep the first of the two equivalent names per gene
After Change
X = f["data.debatched"][()]
gene_names = f["data.debatched_rownames"][()].astype(str)
cell_names = f["data.debatched_colnames"][()].astype(str)
clusters = f["cluster.id"][()].flatten().astype(int)
infogenes_names = f["info.genes_strings"][()].astype(str)
// each row has to correspond to a observation, therefore transpose
adata = AnnData(X.transpose())
adata.var_names = gene_names