
Before Change

        if tangent_vec.ndim > base_point.ndim:
            mult_tangent_vecs = 1

        point_shape = base_point.shape
        tangent_vec_shape = tangent_vec.shape

        n_coord = point_shape[-1]
        shape_cumprod = np.cumprod(point_shape)

        new_base_point = base_point.reshape(shape_cumprod[-2], n_coord)
        if mult_tangent_vecs == 1:
            new_shape = [tangent_vec.shape[0], shape_cumprod[-2], n_coord]
            new_shape = [shape_cumprod[-2], n_coord]
        new_tangent_vec = tangent_vec.reshape(new_shape)

After Change

        Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector wrt to a base curve.
        tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=3)
        base_curve = gs.to_ndarray(base_curve, to_ndim=3)

        n_curves = base_curve.shape[0]
        n_sampling_points = base_curve.shape[1]
        n_coords = base_curve.shape[2]
        n_tangent_vecs = tangent_vec.shape[0]

        new_dim = n_curves * n_sampling_points
        new_base_curve = base_curve.reshape(new_dim, n_coords)
        new_tangent_vec = tangent_vec.reshape(new_dim, n_coords)

        exp = self.embedding_metric.exp(new_tangent_vec, new_base_curve)
        exp = exp.reshape(n_tangent_vecs, n_sampling_points, n_coords)
        exp = exp.squeeze()

        return exp

    def log(self, curve, base_curve):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 31


Project Name: geomstats/geomstats
Commit Name: 300640c864fedfaba2ff31af360fd975e5db23ee
Time: 2018-11-12
Author: alice.le-brigant@enac.fr
File Name: geomstats/discretized_curves_space.py
Class Name: L2Metric
Method Name: exp

Project Name: geomstats/geomstats
Commit Name: 300640c864fedfaba2ff31af360fd975e5db23ee
Time: 2018-11-12
Author: alice.le-brigant@enac.fr
File Name: geomstats/discretized_curves_space.py
Class Name: L2Metric
Method Name: log

Project Name: geomstats/geomstats
Commit Name: 300640c864fedfaba2ff31af360fd975e5db23ee
Time: 2018-11-12
Author: alice.le-brigant@enac.fr
File Name: geomstats/discretized_curves_space.py
Class Name: L2Metric
Method Name: dist

Project Name: geomstats/geomstats
Commit Name: 300640c864fedfaba2ff31af360fd975e5db23ee
Time: 2018-11-12
Author: alice.le-brigant@enac.fr
File Name: geomstats/discretized_curves_space.py
Class Name: L2Metric
Method Name: exp