
Before Change

    lattices = [path.strip() for path in lattices]
    // Ignore empty lines in the lattice list.
    lattices = filter(None, lattices)
    // Pick every Ith lattice, if --num-jobs is specified and > 1.
    if args.num_jobs < 1:
        print("Invalid number of jobs specified:", args.num_jobs)
    if (args.job < 0) or (args.job > args.num_jobs - 1):
        print("Invalid job specified:", args.job)
    lattices = lattices[args.job::args.num_jobs]

    file_type = TextFileType("r")
    for index, path in enumerate(lattices):
        logging.info("Reading word lattice: %s", path)
        lattice_file = file_type(path)
        lattice = SLFLattice(lattice_file)

        if not lattice.utterance_id is None:
            utterance_id = lattice.utterance_id

After Change

    lattices = [path.strip() for path in lattices]
    // Ignore empty lines in the lattice list.
    lattices = list(filter(None, lattices))
    // Pick every Ith lattice, if --num-jobs is specified and > 1.
    if args.num_jobs < 1:
        print("Invalid number of jobs specified:", args.num_jobs)
    if (args.job < 0) or (args.job > args.num_jobs - 1):
        print("Invalid job specified:", args.job)
    lattices = lattices[args.job::args.num_jobs]

    file_type = TextFileType("r")
    for index, path in enumerate(lattices):
        logging.info("Reading word lattice: %s", path)
        lattice_file = file_type(path)
        lattice = SLFLattice(lattice_file)

        if not lattice.utterance_id is None:
            utterance_id = lattice.utterance_id
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 6

Non-data size: 2


Project Name: senarvi/theanolm
Commit Name: e517c7ed7f8f5c09c9f5718207b06a3bcb3efd44
Time: 2016-08-01
Author: seppo.git@marjaniemi.com
File Name: theanolm/commands/decode.py
Class Name:
Method Name: decode

Project Name: MTG/freesound
Commit Name: ce190255e6fdba10133f83c5dd909204a8db3080
Time: 2017-10-31
Author: alastair.porter@upf.edu
File Name: wiki/views.py
Class Name:
Method Name: page

Project Name: comic/grand-challenge.org
Commit Name: 6b407c456369d1d11229bbfcbca958a2792f820c
Time: 2018-10-26
Author: jamesmeakin@gmail.com
File Name: app/grandchallenge/evaluation/tasks.py
Class Name:
Method Name: calculate_ranks

Project Name: weinman/cnn_lstm_ctc_ocr
Commit Name: a0fd1c383a94d10e3b29dd255e1c02c67d3e938d
Time: 2018-07-09
Author: gaffordb@grinnell.edu
File Name: src/mjsynth.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_data

Project Name: samuelclay/NewsBlur
Commit Name: 2dd4a84c1a9570cb1040aa40c1441df90bfb2e05
Time: 2013-03-14
Author: samuel@ofbrooklyn.com
File Name: apps/rss_feeds/tasks.py
Class Name: TaskFeeds
Method Name: run

Project Name: comic/grand-challenge.org
Commit Name: 1e007444d2cee61299ad5bbd6f000a3a464436ec
Time: 2018-10-04
Author: jamesmeakin@gmail.com
File Name: app/grandchallenge/evaluation/views.py
Class Name: SubmissionCreateBase
Method Name: get_next_submission