
Before Change

// Since some of our data doesn"t have a body, we can combine all of the text
// for the titles and bodies so that every row has useful data.

df_train = (
    // Replace null values with an empty string
        // Combine columns
            // First column to concatenate. col() is used to specify that we"re referencing a column
            // Literal character that will be between the concatenated columns.
            lit(" "), 
            // Second column to concatenate.
        // Change the name of the new column    

// Now, we begin assembling our pipeline. Each component here is used to some transformation to the data.
// The Document Assembler takes the raw text data and convert it into a format that can
// be tokenized. It becomes one of spark-nlp native object types, the "Document".
document_assembler = DocumentAssembler().setInputCol("text").setOutputCol("document")

// The Tokenizer takes data that is of the "Document" type and tokenizes it. 
// While slightly more involved than this, this is effectively taking a string and splitting
// it along ths spaces, so each word is its own string. The data then becomes the 
// spark-nlp native type "Token".
tokenizer = Tokenizer().setInputCols(["document"]).setOutputCol("token")

// The Normalizer will group words together based on similar semantic meaning. 
normalizer = Normalizer().setInputCols(["token"]).setOutputCol("normalizer")

// The Stemmer takes objects of class "Token" and converts the words into their
// root meaning. For instance, the words "cars", "cars"" and "car"s" would all be replaced
// with the word "car".
stemmer = Stemmer().setInputCols(["normalizer"]).setOutputCol("stem")

// The Finisher signals to spark-nlp allows us to access the data outside of spark-nlp
// components. For instance, we can now feed the data into components from Spark MLlib. 
finisher = Finisher().setInputCols(["stem"]).setOutputCols(["to_spark"]).setValueSplitSymbol(" ")

// Stopwords are common words that generally don"t add much detail to the meaning
// of a body of text. In English, these are mostly "articles" such as the words "the"
// and "of".
stopword_remover = StopWordsRemover(inputCol="to_spark", outputCol="filtered")

// Here we implement TF-IDF as an input to our LDA model. CountVectorizer (TF) keeps track
// of the vocabulary that"s being created so we can map our topics back to their
// corresponding words.
// TF (term frequency) creates a matrix that counts how many times each word in the
// vocabulary appears in each body of text. This then gives each word a weight based
// on it"s frequency.
tf = CountVectorizer(inputCol="filtered", outputCol="raw_features")

// Here we implement the IDF portion. IDF (Inverse document frequency) reduces 
// the weights of commonly-appearing words. 
idf = IDF(inputCol="raw_features", outputCol="features")

// LDA creates a statistical representation of how frequently words appear 
// together in order to create "topics" or groups of commonly appearing words.
lda = LDA(k=10, maxIter=10)

// We add all of the transformers into a Pipeline object. Each transformer
// will execute in the ordered provided to the "stages" parameter
pipeline = Pipeline(
    stages = [

// We fit the data to the model. 
model = pipeline.fit(df_train)

// Now that we have completed a pipeline, we want to output the topics as human-readable.
// To do this, we need to grab the vocabulary generated from our pipeline, grab the topic
// model and do the appropriate mapping.  The output from each individual component lives 
// in the model object. We can access them by referring to them by their position in 
// the pipeline via model.stages[<ind>]

// Let"s create a reference our vocabulary.
vocab = model.stages[-3].vocabulary

// Next, let"s grab the topics generated by our LDA model via describeTopics(). Using collect(),
// we load the output into a Python array.
raw_topics = model.stages[-1].describeTopics().collect()

// Lastly, let"s get the indices of the vocabulary terms from our topics
topic_inds = [ind.termIndices for ind in raw_topics]

// The indices we just grab directly map to the term at position <ind> from our vocabulary. 
// Using the below code, we can generate the mappings from our topic indicies to our vocabulary.

After Change

// for the titles and bodies so that every row has useful data.

df_train = (
    // Replace null values with an empty string
        // Combine columns
            // First column to concatenate. col() is used to specify that we"re referencing a column
            // Literal character that will be between the concatenated columns.
            lit(" "), 
            // Second column to concatenate.
        // Change the name of the new column    
    // The text has several tags including [REMOVED] or [DELETED] for redacted content. 
    // We"ll replace these with empty strings.
        regexp_replace(col("text"), "\[.*?\]", "")

// Now, we begin assembling our pipeline. Each component here is used to some transformation to the data.
// The Document Assembler takes the raw text data and convert it into a format that can
// be tokenized. It becomes one of spark-nlp native object types, the "Document".
document_assembler = DocumentAssembler().setInputCol("text").setOutputCol("document")

// The Tokenizer takes data that is of the "Document" type and tokenizes it. 
// While slightly more involved than this, this is effectively taking a string and splitting
// it along ths spaces, so each word is its own string. The data then becomes the 
// spark-nlp native type "Token".
tokenizer = Tokenizer().setInputCols(["document"]).setOutputCol("token")

// The Normalizer will group words together based on similar semantic meaning. 
normalizer = Normalizer().setInputCols(["token"]).setOutputCol("normalizer")

// The Stemmer takes objects of class "Token" and converts the words into their
// root meaning. For instance, the words "cars", "cars"" and "car"s" would all be replaced
// with the word "car".
stemmer = Stemmer().setInputCols(["normalizer"]).setOutputCol("stem")

// The Finisher signals to spark-nlp allows us to access the data outside of spark-nlp
// components. For instance, we can now feed the data into components from Spark MLlib. 
finisher = Finisher().setInputCols(["stem"]).setOutputCols(["to_spark"]).setValueSplitSymbol(" ")

// Stopwords are common words that generally don"t add much detail to the meaning
// of a body of text. In English, these are mostly "articles" such as the words "the"
// and "of".
stopword_remover = StopWordsRemover(inputCol="to_spark", outputCol="filtered")

// Here we implement TF-IDF as an input to our LDA model. CountVectorizer (TF) keeps track
// of the vocabulary that"s being created so we can map our topics back to their
// corresponding words.
// TF (term frequency) creates a matrix that counts how many times each word in the
// vocabulary appears in each body of text. This then gives each word a weight based
// on it"s frequency.
tf = CountVectorizer(inputCol="filtered", outputCol="raw_features")

// Here we implement the IDF portion. IDF (Inverse document frequency) reduces 
// the weights of commonly-appearing words. 
idf = IDF(inputCol="raw_features", outputCol="features")

// LDA creates a statistical representation of how frequently words appear 
// together in order to create "topics" or groups of commonly appearing words.
// In this case, we"ll create 5 topics.
lda = LDA(k=5)

// We add all of the transformers into a Pipeline object. Each transformer
// will execute in the ordered provided to the "stages" parameter
pipeline = Pipeline(
    stages = [

// We fit the data to the model. 
model = pipeline.fit(df_train)

// Now that we have completed a pipeline, we want to output the topics as human-readable.
// To do this, we need to grab the vocabulary generated from our pipeline, grab the topic
// model and do the appropriate mapping.  The output from each individual component lives 
// in the model object. We can access them by referring to them by their position in 
// the pipeline via model.stages[<ind>]

// Let"s create a reference our vocabulary.
vocab = model.stages[-3].vocabulary

// Next, let"s grab the topics generated by our LDA model via describeTopics(). Using collect(),
// we load the output into a Python array.
raw_topics = model.stages[-1].describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic=5).collect()

// Lastly, let"s get the indices of the vocabulary terms from our topics
topic_inds = [ind.termIndices for ind in raw_topics]

// The indices we just grab directly map to the term at position <ind> from our vocabulary. 
// Using the below code, we can generate the mappings from our topic indicies to our vocabulary.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 2


Project Name: GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-dataproc
Commit Name: f1e820cce3323cf2a9553f69918d85a9fcecd4f9
Time: 2020-01-16
Author: bmiro@google.com
File Name: codelabs/spark-nlp/topic_model.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: scikit-learn-contrib/DESlib
Commit Name: 8b0eb05775343c5db867d207f6bf06bdfbb463c9
Time: 2018-04-04
Author: luiz.gh@gmail.com
File Name: deslib/dcs/base.py
Class Name: DCS
Method Name: predict_proba_with_ds

Project Name: nilmtk/nilmtk
Commit Name: 81467e352aa008ccb077bcbd77f17aa319b3b9b2
Time: 2014-11-18
Author: jack-list@xlk.org.uk
File Name: nilmtk/datastore.py
Class Name: HDFDataStore
Method Name: load