ACD1 = airfoil_aoa[idx_aoa_max_prestall_cd] * Units.degrees
// Find the point of lowest drag and the CD
CD_min_loc = np.where(airfoil_cd==min(airfoil_cd))ACDmin = airfoil_aoa[CD_min_loc] * Units.degrees
CDmin = airfoil_cd[CD_min_loc]
CD0 = airfoil_cd[idx_zero_lift]
AoA_sweep_radians = AoA_sweep_deg*Units.degrees
After Change
ACD1 = airfoil_aoa[idx_aoa_max_prestall_cd] * Units.degrees
// Find the point of lowest drag and the CD
idx_CD_min = np.where(airfoil_cd==min(airfoil_cd))[0][0]
ACDmin = airfoil_aoa[idx_CD_min] * Units.degrees
CDmin = airfoil_cd[idx_CD_min]
AoA_sweep_radians = AoA_sweep_deg*Units.degrees
// Setup data structures for this run