n_trans = n_2d.T
// Right hand side matrix
RHS = ((np.sin(n_trans*thetan).T)*(np.sin(np.atleast_2d(thetan).T)+(n_trans*k).T))
// Left hand side vector
LHS = (k*np.sin(thetan)*(alpha+ageo-azl)).T
// Expand out for all the angles of attack
RHS2 = np.tile(RHS.T, (repeats,1,1))
LHS2 = np.tile(LHS,(repeats,1,1))
// The Fourier Coefficientsk
A = np.linalg.solve(RHS2,LHS2)
// The 3-D Coefficient of lift
CL = A[:,0]*np.pi*AR
// Find the sectional coefficients of lift
Cl = b*np.sum(4*A*(np.sin(n*thetan)),axis=1)/c
// induced alpha
alpha_i = np.sum(n_trans*A*np.sin(n*thetan)/np.sin(thetan),axis=1)
// Sectional vortex drag
Cdv = Cl*alpha_i
// Total vortex drag
CDv = np.sum(Cdv*AR*etam,axis=1)
CDv = np.dot(n,A**2)*np.pi*AR
After Change
n_trans = np.atleast_2d(n).T
// Right hand side matrix
RHS = (np.sin(n_trans*thetan)*(np.sin(thetan)+n_trans*k))
// Expand out for all the angles of attack
RHS2 = np.tile(RHS.T, (repeats,1,1))
// Left hand side vector
LHS = k*np.sin(thetan)*(alpha+ageo-azl)
// The Fourier Coefficients
A = np.linalg.solve(RHS2,LHS)
// The 3-D Coefficient of lift
CL = A[:,0]*np.pi*AR
// Find the sectional coefficients of lift
Cl = b*np.cumsum(4*A*np.sin(n*thetan),axis=1)/c
// induced alpha
alpha_i = np.cumsum(n*A*np.sin(n*A)/np.sin(thetan),axis=1)
// Sectional vortex drag
Cdv = Cl*alpha_i
// Total vortex drag
CDv = np.sum(Cdv*AR*etam,axis=1)
// Profile drag of a 2-D section