Before Change
return kwargs
def updatePixels(self, tlc, shape, props, **pixelBlocks):
t = np.array(pixelBlocks["temperature_pixels"], dtype="f4", copy=False).flatten()
r = np.array(pixelBlocks["rh_pixels"], dtype="f4", copy=False).flatten()
// transform t to Fahrenheit space
if self.tempUnits == "k":
t = (1.8 * t) - 459.67
elif self.tempUnits == "c":
t = (1.8 * t) + 32.
tr = t * r
rr = r * r
tt = t * t
ttr = tt * r
trr = t * rr
ttrr = ttr * r
// compute simple heat index
H = .5 * (t + 61. + (((t - 68.) * 1.2) + (r * .094))) // simple heat index
a = ((H + t) / 2.) > 80
// compute heat-index using Rothfusz"s full regression model
fullHI = (-42.379 + (2.04901523 * t) + (10.14333127 * r) - (0.22475541 * tr)
- (6.83783e-3 * tt) - (5.481717e-2 * rr) + (1.22874e-3 * ttr)
+ (8.5282e-4 * trr) - (1.99e-6 * ttrr))
// apply adjustments
b = a & ((r < 13) & ((t >= 80.) | (t <= 112)))
fullHI[b] -= (((13. - r) / 4.) * np.sqrt((17. - np.abs(t-95.)) / 17.))[b]
b = a & ((r > 85) & ((t >= 80.) | (t <= 87)))
fullHI[b] += (((t - 85.) / 10.) * ((87. - t) / 5.))[b]
// use full heat-index conditionally
H[a] = fullHI[a]
// transform HI to desired output space
if self.hiUnits == "k":
H = (H + 459.67) / 1.8
elif self.hiUnits == "c":
H = (H - 32.) / 1.8
After Change
return kwargs
def updatePixels(self, tlc, shape, props, **pixelBlocks):
t = np.array(pixelBlocks["temperature_pixels"], dtype="f4", copy=False)[0].flatten()
r = np.array(pixelBlocks["rh_pixels"], dtype="f4", copy=False)[0].flatten()
// transform t to Fahrenheit space
if self.tempUnits == "k":
t = (1.8 * t) - 459.67
elif self.tempUnits == "c":
t = (1.8 * t) + 32.
tr = t * r
rr = r * r
tt = t * t
ttr = tt * r
trr = t * rr
ttrr = ttr * r
// compute simple heat index
H = .5 * (t + 61. + (((t - 68.) * 1.2) + (r * .094))) // simple heat index
a = ((H + t) / 2.) > 80
// compute heat-index using Rothfusz"s full regression model
fullHI = (-42.379 + (2.04901523 * t) + (10.14333127 * r) - (0.22475541 * tr)
- (6.83783e-3 * tt) - (5.481717e-2 * rr) + (1.22874e-3 * ttr)
+ (8.5282e-4 * trr) - (1.99e-6 * ttrr))
// apply adjustments
b = a & ((r < 13) & (t >= 80.) & (t <= 112))
fullHI[b] -= (((13. - r) / 4.) * np.sqrt((17. - np.abs(t-95.)) / 17.))[b]
b = a & ((r > 85) & (t >= 80.) & (t <= 87))
fullHI[b] += (((t - 85.) / 10.) * ((87. - t) / 5.))[b]
// use full heat-index conditionally
H[a] = fullHI[a]
// transform HI to desired output space
if self.hiUnits == "k":
H = (H + 459.67) / 1.8
elif self.hiUnits == "c":
H = (H - 32.) / 1.8
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 3
Project Name: Esri/raster-functions
Commit Name: 99caf99e982a57edda479aab39a53fc8a19cdf46
Time: 2016-05-10
Author: akferoz@esri.com
File Name: functions/HeatIndex.py
Class Name: HeatIndex
Method Name: updatePixels
Project Name: alexandrebarachant/muse-lsl
Commit Name: dc9475d91c960eca1a033752ba95a9bc9e8d1d3b
Time: 2017-06-19
Author: alexandre.barachant@gmail.com
File Name: lsl-record.py
Class Name:
Method Name: