Before Change
def pass1():
password = raw_input("Enter the password ")
special = "!@//$%^&*()?"
if len(password) >= 8 and not password.islower() and not password.isupper() and not password.isalpha() and not password.isdigit() and any((c in special) for c in password) :
print("Strong Password")
return 1
After Change
print(" your password is less than 10 characters")
if len(password)>= 10 :
if (any(x.isdigit() for x in password)) and (any(x.islower() for x in password)) and any(char in invalidcharacters for char in password) and (any(x.isupper() for x in password)) :
print("Good! You have created a strong password ")
Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 3
Instances Project Name: Logan1x/Python-Scripts
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Time: 2020-06-28
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File Name: bin/password-strength-checker.py
Class Name:
Method Name: pass1
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Class Name:
Method Name: init_huang
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Time: 2020-12-22
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Class Name:
Method Name: _get_parameters