Before Change
dim = len(dist)
//sample from the inumpyut dist
samples = dist.sample(sample, **kws)
qoi_dists = []
for i in range(0, len(poly)):
//sample the polynomial solution
After Change
dim = len(dist)
//sample from the input dist
samples = numpy.atleast_2d(dist.sample(sample, **kws) )
qoi_dist = chaospy.GaussianKDE(poly(*samples))
return qoi_dist
Frequency: 8
Non-data size: 2
Instances Project Name: jonathf/chaospy
Commit Name: 918b07abd405ced498513e874b6fa9e44153aa2b
Time: 2020-10-26
Author: jonathf@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: chaospy/descriptives/quantity_of_interest.py
Class Name:
Method Name: QoI_Dist
Project Name: nicola-decao/s-vae-pytorch
Commit Name: 32fbebfe14ee89541c39255c48776b81d34ca932
Time: 2018-11-20
Author: tlpelsmaeker@gmail.com
File Name: hyperspherical_vae/distributions/hyperspherical_uniform.py
Class Name: HypersphericalUniform
Method Name: sample
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Commit Name: 740d6e2e6c258011db8e1fbcd5072fbfad83b73b
Time: 2017-11-25
Author: kevinarmandzakka@gmail.com
File Name: modules.py
Class Name: Policy
Method Name: forward
Project Name: vitchyr/rlkit
Commit Name: 67ec26301dbe031e398e0a008fe25fd79465927a
Time: 2018-10-16
Author: vitchyr@gmail.com
File Name: rlkit/torch/distributions.py
Class Name: TanhNormal
Method Name: sample
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Commit Name: 4c83392c433a71939172b04a519931f20a8a0e51
Time: 2018-11-06
Author: nkcr.je@gmail.com
File Name: trainer.py
Class Name: Trainer
Method Name: train_shared
Project Name: daavoo/pyntcloud
Commit Name: 88af2371706342c39aeb318dc3140d8bbb8628a8
Time: 2017-05-24
Author: jcole+github@3rivers3d.com
File Name: pyntcloud/sampling/s_points.py
Class Name: RandomPoints
Method Name: compute
Project Name: nicola-decao/s-vae-pytorch
Commit Name: 4537298ec78fbf30cd4fe914e9668cd3445373b2
Time: 2018-07-28
Author: nicola.decao@student.uva.nl
File Name: hyperspherical_vae/distributions/von_mises_fisher.py
Class Name: VonMisesFisher
Method Name: __while_loop
Project Name: tiberiu44/TTS-Cube
Commit Name: 9dccc464ef254d894a471af08e48420771e577e3
Time: 2019-05-12
Author: tibi@racai.ro
File Name: cube/models/vocoder.py
Class Name: ParallelVocoder
Method Name: synthesize