
Before Change

            ("fc8", [_getattr("fc8")]),
            ("prob", [F.softmax]),
        if any([name not in funcs for name in self._features]):
            raise ValueError("Elements of `features` shuold be one of "

        // Remove all functions that are not necessary.
        pop_funcs = False
        features = list(self._features)
        for name in list(funcs.keys()):
            if pop_funcs:

            if name in features:
            if len(features) == 0:
                pop_funcs = True

        return funcs

    def __call__(self, x):
        Forward VGG16.

After Change

        def _getattr(name):
            return getattr(self, name, None)

        return collections.OrderedDict([
            ("conv1_1", [_getattr("conv1_1"), F.relu]),
            ("conv1_2", [_getattr("conv1_2"), F.relu]),
            ("pool1", [_max_pooling_2d]),
            ("conv2_1", [_getattr("conv2_1"), F.relu]),
            ("conv2_2", [_getattr("conv2_2"), F.relu]),
            ("pool2", [_max_pooling_2d]),
            ("conv3_1", [_getattr("conv3_1"), F.relu]),
            ("conv3_2", [_getattr("conv3_2"), F.relu]),
            ("conv3_3", [_getattr("conv3_3"), F.relu]),
            ("pool3", [_max_pooling_2d]),
            ("conv4_1", [_getattr("conv4_1"), F.relu]),
            ("conv4_2", [_getattr("conv4_2"), F.relu]),
            ("conv4_3", [_getattr("conv4_3"), F.relu]),
            ("pool4", [_max_pooling_2d]),
            ("conv5_1", [_getattr("conv5_1"), F.relu]),
            ("conv5_2", [_getattr("conv5_2"), F.relu]),
            ("conv5_3", [_getattr("conv5_3"), F.relu]),
            ("pool5", [_max_pooling_2d]),
            ("fc6", [_getattr("fc6"), F.relu, F.dropout]),
            ("fc7", [_getattr("fc7"), F.relu, F.dropout]),
            ("fc8", [_getattr("fc8")]),
            ("prob", [F.softmax]),

def _max_pooling_2d(x):
    return F.max_pooling_2d(x, ksize=2)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: chainer/chainercv
Commit Name: 724dcb5b6bff305e6500edc1edb6ed2bd2d87fc5
Time: 2017-06-18
Author: yuyuniitani@gmail.com
File Name: chainercv/links/model/vgg/vgg16.py
Class Name: VGG16Layers
Method Name: functions

Project Name: asyml/texar
Commit Name: 830108b4b5f71f1a63cbd97c8131ba1aef4ac56a
Time: 2018-06-02
Author: zhitinghu@gmail.com
File Name: texar/utils/shapes.py
Class Name:
Method Name: mask_sequences

Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 1775e89f262111791fabfd40f80a24f74738fe54
Time: 2020-04-28
Author: sven@anyscale.io
File Name: rllib/policy/policy.py
Class Name:
Method Name: clip_action