
Before Change

      ValueError: If `start_tokens` is not a vector or
        `end_token` is not a scalar.
    if not rnn_cell_impl._like_rnncell(cell):  // pylint: disable=protected-access
      raise TypeError("cell must be an RNNCell, received: %s" % type(cell))
    if (output_layer is not None and
        not isinstance(output_layer, layers_base.Layer)):
      raise TypeError(
          "output_layer must be a Layer, received: %s" % type(output_layer))

After Change

      ValueError: If `start_tokens` is not a vector or
        `end_token` is not a scalar.
    if (output_layer is not None and
        not isinstance(output_layer, layers_base.Layer)):
      raise TypeError(
          "output_layer must be a Layer, received: %s" % type(output_layer))
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: NVIDIA/OpenSeq2Seq
Commit Name: 6e53f186fe6989e8a4c3cfba2cbd7c51bc108cfc
Time: 2018-08-09
Author: skama@nvidia.com
File Name: open_seq2seq/parts/rnns/rnn_beam_search_decoder.py
Class Name: BeamSearchDecoder
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: NVIDIA/OpenSeq2Seq
Commit Name: 6e53f186fe6989e8a4c3cfba2cbd7c51bc108cfc
Time: 2018-08-09
Author: skama@nvidia.com
File Name: open_seq2seq/parts/rnns/attention_wrapper.py
Class Name: AttentionWrapper
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: NVIDIA/OpenSeq2Seq
Commit Name: d5c1e17e8b1a434e9bb3f3ea0a45446f17073549
Time: 2018-08-21
Author: jasoli@nvidia.com
File Name: open_seq2seq/parts/rnns/attention_wrapper.py
Class Name: AttentionWrapper
Method Name: __init__