Before Change
// using "size" alone makes bars overlap slightly, so instead use bin_start and
// bin_end to force each bar to cover exactly one integer position:
indel_size_data["bin_start"] = indel_size_data["size"] - 0.5
indel_size_data["bin_end"] = indel_size_data["size"] + 0.5
indels_linear = alt.Chart(indel_size_data).mark_bar().encode(
After Change
def _build_indel_size_chart(data):
Create the indel size chart.
width = 400
height = 100
placeholder_height = (2 * height) + 20 // 2 charts, plus spacing
title = "Biallelic indel size distribution"
ordered_labels = ["Insertion", "Deletion"]
indel_size_data = _integer_counts_to_histogram(data)
indel_size_data["type"] = np.where(indel_size_data["s"] > 0, "Insertion",
indel_size_chart = _placeholder_for_empty_chart(
"No biallelic indels",
if not indel_size_data.empty:
indels_linear = alt.Chart(indel_size_data).mark_bar().encode(
x=alt.X("s", title="size"),
Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 6
Instances Project Name: google/deepvariant
Commit Name: e2eab73f998e1ba9d3c47f2c96aa84027ec58c17
Time: 2019-09-27
Author: marianattestad@google.com
File Name: deepvariant/vcf_stats_vis.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _build_indel_size_chart
Project Name: google/deepvariant
Commit Name: e2eab73f998e1ba9d3c47f2c96aa84027ec58c17
Time: 2019-09-27
Author: marianattestad@google.com
File Name: deepvariant/vcf_stats_vis.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _build_qual_histogram
Project Name: google/deepvariant
Commit Name: e2eab73f998e1ba9d3c47f2c96aa84027ec58c17
Time: 2019-09-27
Author: marianattestad@google.com
File Name: deepvariant/vcf_stats_vis.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _build_base_change_chart
Project Name: google/deepvariant
Commit Name: e2eab73f998e1ba9d3c47f2c96aa84027ec58c17
Time: 2019-09-27
Author: marianattestad@google.com
File Name: deepvariant/vcf_stats_vis.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _build_gq_histogram