
Before Change

            print("exploration={}".format(exploration or "default"))

            eager_ctx = None
            if fw == "eager":
                eager_ctx = eager_mode()
                assert tf.executing_eagerly()
            elif fw == "tf":
                assert not tf.executing_eagerly()

            trainer = run(config=config, env=env)

            // Make sure all actions drawn are the same, given same
            // observations.

After Change

        config["num_workers"] = 0

    // Test all frameworks.
    for fw in framework_iterator(config):
        if fw == "torch" and \
                run in [ddpg.DDPGTrainer, dqn.DQNTrainer, dqn.SimpleQTrainer,
                        impala.ImpalaTrainer, sac.SACTrainer, td3.TD3Trainer]:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 1d4823c0ec446e93d00df8ca654db4b45b63b3d4
Time: 2020-04-03
Author: sven@anyscale.io
File Name: rllib/utils/exploration/tests/test_explorations.py
Class Name:
Method Name: do_test_explorations

Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 1d4823c0ec446e93d00df8ca654db4b45b63b3d4
Time: 2020-04-03
Author: sven@anyscale.io
File Name: rllib/agents/dqn/tests/test_dqn.py
Class Name: TestDQN
Method Name: test_dqn_exploration_and_soft_q_config

Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 1d4823c0ec446e93d00df8ca654db4b45b63b3d4
Time: 2020-04-03
Author: sven@anyscale.io
File Name: rllib/tests/test_model_imports.py
Class Name:
Method Name: model_import_test