Before Change
(batch_size, seq_len, dim) = sequence_embeddings.size()
// Move embedding dimensions to channels and add a fourth dim.
sequence_embeddings = (sequence_embeddings
.permute(0, 2, 1)
.view(batch_size, dim, seq_len, 1))
x = sequence_embeddings
for cnn_layer in self.cnn_layers:
x = cnn_layer(x)
user_representations = x.view(batch_size, dim, -1)
pooled_representations = (user_representations
.view(batch_size, dim))
return pooled_representations
def forward(self, user_representations, targets):
target_embedding = self.item_embeddings(targets)
After Change
def user_representation(self, item_sequences):
// Make the embedding dimension the channel dimension
sequence_embeddings = (self.item_embeddings(item_sequences)
.permute(0, 2, 1))
// Add a trailing dimension of 1
sequence_embeddings = (sequence_embeddings
x = sequence_embeddings
for i, cnn_layer in enumerate(self.cnn_layers):
// Pad so that the CNN doesn"t have the future
// of the sequence in its receptive field.
x = F.pad(x, (0, 0, self.kernel_width - min(i, 1), 0))
x = F.relu(cnn_layer(x))
x = x.squeeze(3)
return x[:, :, :-1], x[:, :, -1]
def forward(self, user_representations, targets):

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 10
Project Name: maciejkula/spotlight
Commit Name: 70e4d7fe60a9658bb27b9f5fb67592a1222b2ec3
Time: 2017-07-06
Author: maciej.kula@gmail.com
File Name: spotlight/sequence/representations.py
Class Name: CNNNet
Method Name: user_representation
Project Name: maciejkula/spotlight
Commit Name: 70e4d7fe60a9658bb27b9f5fb67592a1222b2ec3
Time: 2017-07-06
Author: maciej.kula@gmail.com
File Name: spotlight/sequence/representations.py
Class Name: LSTMNet
Method Name: user_representation
Project Name: maciejkula/spotlight
Commit Name: 70e4d7fe60a9658bb27b9f5fb67592a1222b2ec3
Time: 2017-07-06
Author: maciej.kula@gmail.com
File Name: spotlight/sequence/representations.py
Class Name: PoolNet
Method Name: user_representation