def inverse_op(self, input_image, mask=None):
if not isinstance(input_image, dict):
full_border = match_ndim(self.border, input_image.ndim)
outputs = _crop_numpy_array(input_image, full_border)
return outputs, mask
for name, image in input_image.items():
if name not in self.image_name:
full_border = match_ndim(self.border, image.ndim)input_image[name] = _crop_numpy_array(image, full_border)
return input_image, mask
After Change
if not isinstance(input_image, dict):
// you can run the cropping op without running the padding op, but only if you
// pad with a constant amount (not pad_to)
if self.full_border is None and self.pad_to == (0,):
outputs = self._crop_numpy_array(input_image, self.full_border)
return outputs, mask
for name, image in input_image.items():
// you can run the cropping op without running the padding op, but only if you
// pad with a constant amount (not pad_to)
if self.full_border is None and self.pad_to == (0,):
if name not in self.image_name:
input_image[name] = self._crop_numpy_array(image, self.full_border)