
Before Change

        // create the inputs for the network
        input = current_states
        input.append(np.repeat(np.expand_dims(self.current_goal, 0), self.tp.batch_size, 0))

        // get the current outputs of the network
        targets = self.main_network.online_network.predict(input)

After Change

        // create the inputs for the network
        input = current_states
        input["goal"] = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(self.current_goal, 0), self.tp.batch_size, 0)

        // get the current outputs of the network
        targets = self.main_network.online_network.predict(input)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 5

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: NervanaSystems/coach
Commit Name: 52eb159f696e9cd810072c3a2cc350ae8843f707
Time: 2018-04-23
Author: 30383381+itaicaspi-intel@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: agents/dfp_agent.py
Class Name: DFPAgent
Method Name: learn_from_batch

Project Name: chainer/chainercv
Commit Name: 0c1fa98633a568dd77dd3ff62a23d8f680a1658d
Time: 2018-06-10
Author: yuyuniitani@gmail.com
File Name: chainercv/evaluations/eval_detection_coco.py
Class Name:
Method Name: eval_detection_coco

Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: e99eac292db998960b9c384cb1106998a8489b02
Time: 2017-03-06
Author: abhai.dilip@gmail.com
File Name: keras/backend/theano_backend.py
Class Name:
Method Name: repeat

Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: e99eac292db998960b9c384cb1106998a8489b02
Time: 2017-03-06
Author: abhai.dilip@gmail.com
File Name: keras/backend/theano_backend.py
Class Name:
Method Name: repeat_elements

Project Name: OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py
Commit Name: 614c41e7f05d274991d95271c49a87af3fa2cf49
Time: 2017-12-22
Author: skywalker@postech.edu
File Name: onmt/Loss.py
Class Name: NMTLossCompute
Method Name: compute_loss