
Before Change

        // 3. Outputs:
        tqdm_dict = {"train_loss": train_loss}
        output = OrderedDict({"loss": train_loss,
                              "num_correct": num_correct,
                              "log": tqdm_dict,
                              "progress_bar": tqdm_dict})

        return output

    def training_epoch_end(self, outputs):
        Compute and log training loss and accuracy at the epoch level.

After Change

        // 3. Outputs:
        tqdm_dict = {"train_loss": train_loss}
        self.log_dict(tqdm_dict, prog_bar=True)
        return {"loss": train_loss}

    def training_epoch_end(self, outputs):
        Compute and log training loss and accuracy at the epoch level.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: williamFalcon/pytorch-lightning
Commit Name: 0e8ec93b28ecd86898b3668d48d346f510e95167
Time: 2021-01-06
Author: jspaezp@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: pl_examples/domain_templates/computer_vision_fine_tuning.py
Class Name: TransferLearningModel
Method Name: training_step

Project Name: uber/ludwig
Commit Name: 499ec5acc1d3672b7ed08297e232211f0ad8d390
Time: 2020-03-19
Author: w4nderlust@gmail.com
File Name: ludwig/models/model.py
Class Name: Model
Method Name: train

Project Name: deepmind/sonnet
Commit Name: 4813caaade69050a44979ed878298e3ae89b08eb
Time: 2017-08-07
Author: noreply@google.com
File Name: sonnet/python/ops/nest.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _iterable_like