
Before Change

        log_sub_dirs = os.listdir(summary_root)
        log_sub_dirs = [n for n in log_sub_dirs if unicode(n).isdecimal()]
        if log_sub_dirs and new_sub_dir:
            log_sub_dir = str(max([int(name) for name in log_sub_dirs]) + 1)
        elif log_sub_dirs and not new_sub_dir:
            log_sub_dir = str(max([int(n) for n in log_sub_dirs
                                   if os.path.isdir(
                    os.path.join(summary_root, n))]))

After Change

    def _summary_dir(summary_root, new_sub_dir):
        summary_root = touch_folder(summary_root)
            log_sub_dirs = os.listdir(summary_root)
        except OSError:
            tf.logging.fatal("not a directory {}".format(summary_root))
            raise OSError
        log_sub_dirs = [name for name in log_sub_dirs
                        if re.findall("^[0-9]+$", name)]
        if log_sub_dirs and new_sub_dir:
            latest_id = max([int(name) for name in log_sub_dirs])
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: NifTK/NiftyNet
Commit Name: d67181e84370f11479e2872271cae56cc2f3b8b3
Time: 2017-08-22
Author: wenqi.li@ucl.ac.uk
File Name: niftynet/engine/application_driver.py
Class Name: ApplicationDriver
Method Name: _summary_dir

Project Name: asyml/texar
Commit Name: de6d802b480f1504d060915dc520bef9223aac84
Time: 2018-03-21
Author: zhitinghu@gmail.com
File Name: texar/data/data/multi_aligned_data.py
Class Name: MultiAlignedTextData
Method Name: _make_processor

Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 5e76a51d56f9383d28264810a6f4db7ba12998fe
Time: 2021-02-23
Author: fyrestone@outlook.com
File Name: dashboard/head.py
Class Name: DashboardHead
Method Name: run