
Before Change

                pred_f_mean, pred_f_var = self.build_predict(tf_Xnew)
                self._tf_predict_f = lambda Xnew_data, x : self._session.run([pred_f_mean, pred_f_var],
                        feed_dict={self._free_vars:x, tf_Xnew:Xnew_data })
        return self._tf_predict_f(Xnew, self.get_free_state())
    def predict_y(self, Xnew):
        Compute the mean and variance of held-out data at the points Xnew

After Change

        tf_Xnew = tf.placeholder("float64")
        with self.tf_mode():
            pred_f_mean, pred_f_var = self.build_predict(tf_Xnew)
        return self._session.run([pred_f_mean, pred_f_var],
                                 feed_dict={self._free_vars:self.get_free_state(), tf_Xnew:Xnew })

    def predict_y(self, Xnew):
        Compute the mean and variance of held-out data at the points Xnew
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: GPflow/GPflow
Commit Name: 704b11de102aa54bdaa46ac9a98cac64d37c7d84
Time: 2016-01-19
Author: james.hensman@gmail.com
File Name: GPflow/model.py
Class Name: GPModel
Method Name: predict_f

Project Name: NervanaSystems/nlp-architect
Commit Name: de2fda821ec02eee57449de9562f80f5993e65ce
Time: 2018-11-25
Author: peteriz@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: nlp_architect/cmd.py
Class Name: StyleCommand
Method Name: run_pylint

Project Name: GPflow/GPflow
Commit Name: 704b11de102aa54bdaa46ac9a98cac64d37c7d84
Time: 2016-01-19
Author: james.hensman@gmail.com
File Name: GPflow/model.py
Class Name: GPModel
Method Name: predict_y

Project Name: NervanaSystems/nlp-architect
Commit Name: de2fda821ec02eee57449de9562f80f5993e65ce
Time: 2018-11-25
Author: peteriz@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: nlp_architect/cmd.py
Class Name: StyleCommand
Method Name: run_flake