Before Change
the url for the saved report.
raise gen.Return("https://foo.com/%s" % report_id)
def _build_static_dir():
Return the path to lib/streamlit/static.
After Change
the url for the saved report.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_static_dir():
Return the path to lib/streamlit/static.
Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 3
Project Name: streamlit/streamlit
Commit Name: 504c0355e4f0cd98b84ba65638023883c59ca437
Time: 2018-11-23
Author: thiagot@gmail.com
File Name: lib/streamlit/proxy/storage/AbstractStorage.py
Class Name: AbstractStorage
Method Name: save_report_files
Project Name: NervanaSystems/coach
Commit Name: 9e9c4fd3322b6e8f47572fefdb8fd65018fb96f7
Time: 2019-05-27
Author: gal.leibovich@intel.com
File Name: rl_coach/exploration_policies/exploration_policy.py
Class Name: ExplorationPolicy
Method Name: get_action
Project Name: tensorlayer/tensorlayer
Commit Name: 88d239631b9eb49527c21053d79d55e012f11a3c
Time: 2018-02-23
Author: dhsig552@163.com
File Name: tensorlayer/layers/recurrent.py
Class Name: BiDynamicRNNLayer
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: c7c53725098545256e3b2095c9b05285e3da3676
Time: 2015-07-03
Author: francois.chollet@gmail.com
File Name: keras/layers/normalization.py
Class Name: LRN2D
Method Name: __init__