
Before Change

                    if shape1[dot_axes[0][i]] != shape2[dot_axes[1][i]]:
                        raise Exception(" Dot incompatible layers can not be merged using dot mode")
        elif mode == "concat":
            input_shapes = set([list(l.output_shape).pop(concat_axis) for l in layers])
            if len(input_shapes) > 1:
                raise Exception(""concat" mode can only merge layers with matching output shapes except for the concat axis")

        self.mode = mode

After Change

        elif mode == "concat":
            input_shapes = set()
            for l in layers:
                oshape = list(l.output_shape)
                oshape = tuple(oshape)
            if len(input_shapes) > 1:
                raise Exception(""concat" mode can only merge layers with matching output shapes except for the concat axis")
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: 57612707c1434ed3b18f9cad5cf2e6dd8b7b3b7d
Time: 2015-11-02
Author: roller@cs.utexas.edu
File Name: keras/layers/core.py
Class Name: Merge
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: ClimbsRocks/auto_ml
Commit Name: 33851dea0f6c75ca1e685037393ea7160506b53a
Time: 2016-10-08
Author: climbsbytes@gmail.com
File Name: auto_ml/predictor.py
Class Name: Predictor
Method Name: _prepare_for_training

Project Name: ClimbsRocks/auto_ml
Commit Name: 9b9e491bb00be66b732d2f44b3e4375206940e61
Time: 2016-10-19
Author: climbsbytes@gmail.com
File Name: auto_ml/predictor.py
Class Name: Predictor
Method Name: make_sub_x_and_y_test