
Before Change

  if len(x.shape) < num_dims:
    return x
  return tf.reshape(x, [-1] + x.shape.as_list()[num_dims:])

After Change

    return x

  // Check if the rank of the input tensor is well-defined.
  if x.shape.dims is None:
    raise ValueError(
        "Can"t merge leading dimensions of tensor of unknown rank.")

  // We can only merge the num_dims leading dimensions if the rank of the given
  // tensor is sufficiently large.
  if num_dims > x.shape.rank:
    return x

  static_shape = [maybe_prod(x.shape[:num_dims])] + x.shape[num_dims:]
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: deepmind/sonnet
Commit Name: e164c3574da160fb72fc962947a783fa299424e3
Time: 2019-07-07
Author: tomhennigan@google.com
File Name: sonnet/src/batch_apply.py
Class Name:
Method Name: merge_leading_dims

Project Name: asyml/texar
Commit Name: 791e7325a985bc8dd1a213c7cd1b1e888f934074
Time: 2018-05-27
Author: zhitinghu@gmail.com
File Name: texar/modules/embedders/embedders.py
Class Name: WordEmbedder
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: deepmind/sonnet
Commit Name: 2faf7acd48088783ab4d8507cc3eb1e74430b3ad
Time: 2019-08-14
Author: slebedev@google.com
File Name: sonnet/src/reshape.py
Class Name: Reshape
Method Name: _initialize