Before Change
attn_kwargs = attn_hparams["kwargs"].todict()
// Parse the "probability_fn" argument
prob_fn = attn_kwargs.get("probability_fn", None)
if prob_fn is None:
prob_fn = tf.nn.softmax
if not callable(prob_fn):
prob_fn = get_class(prob_fn)
After Change
if "probability_fn" in attn_kwargs:
prob_fn = attn_kwargs["probability_fn"]
if prob_fn is not None and not callable(prob_fn):
prob_fn = get_function(
["tensorflow.nn", "tensorflow.contrib.sparsemax",
attn_kwargs["probability_fn"] = prob_fn
"memory_sequence_length": memory_sequence_length,
Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 4
Instances Project Name: asyml/texar
Commit Name: f53c38e5ea290616a3be50a99755272a12696070
Time: 2018-01-28
Author: zhiting.hu@petuum.com
File Name: texar/modules/decoders/rnn_decoders.py
Class Name: AttentionRNNDecoder
Method Name: __init__
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Commit Name: 1e50a6606c5215e0dc28d016bb5f57bd668f47af
Time: 2019-06-06
Author: lausen@amazon.com
File Name: src/gluonnlp/vocab/bert.py
Class Name: BERTVocab
Method Name: from_json
Project Name: dmlc/gluon-nlp
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Time: 2018-11-22
Author: szha@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: docs/conf.py
Class Name:
Method Name:
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Time: 2020-08-13
Author: ekhliang@gmail.com
File Name: python/ray/worker.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_gpu_ids