
Before Change

    def parse_obj(cls, obj):
        assert type(obj) == dict, ("It can only parse dict type object.")
        required_args = cls.__slots__
        given_args = obj.keys()

        // Check if given_args have args that is not required.
        for arg in given_args:
            if arg not in required_args:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Given argument has a key {}, which is not required "
                    "by this schema: {}".format(arg, required_args))

        // Check if given args have all required args.
        if len(required_args) != len(given_args):
            raise ValidationError("Given args: {} doesn"t have all the "
                                  "necessary args for this schema: {}".format(
                                      given_args, required_args))

After Change

    def parse_obj(cls, obj):
        // Validation.
        assert type(obj) == dict, ("It can only parse dict type object.")
        for field, schema in cls.__schema__.items():
            required, default, arg_type = schema
            if field not in obj:
                if required:
                    raise ValidationError("{} is required, but doesn"t "
                                          "exist in a given object {}".format(
                                              field, obj))
                    // Set default value if the field is optional
                    obj[field] = default

        return cls(**obj)

class IngestRequest(BaseModel):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 1d532d1cb8b829bdf7055a22c206032ca0b72e46
Time: 2020-04-02
Author: rkooo567@gmail.com
File Name: python/ray/dashboard/metrics_exporter/schema.py
Class Name: BaseModel
Method Name: parse_obj

Project Name: chainer/chainercv
Commit Name: 1cd87b67822c94c49d30ce1eabce792b3db7c272
Time: 2017-06-14
Author: yuyuniitani@gmail.com
File Name: chainercv/links/model/vgg/vgg.py
Class Name: VGG16Layers
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: microsoft/nni
Commit Name: c7d58033db0e25736d33406ed262cb5232d366e8
Time: 2020-02-09
Author: 38930155+chicm-ms@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: src/sdk/pynni/nni/compression/torch/pruners.py
Class Name: AGP_Pruner
Method Name: update_epoch

Project Name: williamFalcon/pytorch-lightning
Commit Name: 9f12ca095ab6e3295bd03fd1e50130a12b11569c
Time: 2021-02-11
Author: carlossmocholi@gmail.com
File Name: pytorch_lightning/trainer/connectors/logger_connector/epoch_result_store.py
Class Name: HookResultStore
Method Name: auto_reduce_results_on_epoch_end