
Before Change

        if self.average == "micro":
            return self.true_positives.sum().float() / (self.actual_positives.sum() + METRIC_EPS)
        elif self.average == "macro":
            return (self.true_positives.float() / (self.actual_positives + METRIC_EPS)).mean()

After Change

            - If ``average in ["none", None]``, the shape will be ``(C,)``, where ``C`` stands  for the number
              of classes
        tp, fp, tn, fn = self._get_final_stats()
        return _recall_compute(tp, fp, tn, fn, self.average, self.mdmc_reduce)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: williamFalcon/pytorch-lightning
Commit Name: c8f605e47dcefe192f3a9b477f3e56b437615e34
Time: 2021-01-18
Author: tadej.svetina@gmail.com
File Name: pytorch_lightning/metrics/classification/precision_recall.py
Class Name: Recall
Method Name: compute

Project Name: maciejkula/spotlight
Commit Name: bc51dbc0c56f68ed30857755026633f78eef1ae8
Time: 2017-08-20
Author: maciej.kula@gmail.com
File Name: spotlight/layers.py
Class Name: BloomEmbedding
Method Name: forward

Project Name: williamFalcon/pytorch-lightning
Commit Name: c8f605e47dcefe192f3a9b477f3e56b437615e34
Time: 2021-01-18
Author: tadej.svetina@gmail.com
File Name: pytorch_lightning/metrics/classification/precision_recall.py
Class Name: Precision
Method Name: compute