Before Change
if not kern.on_separate_dimensions:
raise NotImplementedError("Product currently needs to be defined on separate dimensions.") // pragma: no cover
with tf.control_dependencies([
tf.assert_equal(tf.rank(p.var), 2,
message="Product currently only supports diagonal Xcov.", name="assert_Xcov_diag"),
_expectation_fn = lambda k: _expectation(p, k, feat, None, None)
return functools.reduce(tf.multiply, [_expectation_fn(k) for k in kern.kern_list])
After Change
:return: NxMxM
if feat1 != feat2:
raise NotImplementedError("Different features are not supported.")
if kern1 != kern2:
raise NotImplementedError("Calculating the expectation over two "
"different Product kernels is not supported.")
kern = kern1
feat = feat1
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
Project Name: GPflow/GPflow
Commit Name: d1ac7b831ad36cd0e4bdd7980819f83208345148
Time: 2018-02-07
Author: alex.ialongo@gmail.com
File Name: gpflow/expectations.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _expectation
Project Name: OpenMined/PySyft
Commit Name: f1d55314dacb8300e2bd6d3c595883c0cb5336f6
Time: 2020-10-20
Author: kevivthapion@gmail.com
File Name: syft/frameworks/torch/nn/functional.py
Class Name:
Method Name: batch_norm
Project Name: OpenMined/PySyft
Commit Name: f1d55314dacb8300e2bd6d3c595883c0cb5336f6
Time: 2020-10-20
Author: kevivthapion@gmail.com
File Name: syft/frameworks/torch/tensors/interpreters/additive_shared.py
Class Name: AdditiveSharingTensor
Method Name: max