
Before Change

        if not tokens:
            return [], [], -1

        split_tokens = [token.split(u"│") for token in tokens]
        split_tokens = [token for token in split_tokens if token[0]]
        token_size = len(split_tokens[0])

        assert all(len(token) == token_size for token in split_tokens), \
            "all words must have the same number of features"
        words_and_features = list(zip(*split_tokens))
        words = words_and_features[0]
        features = words_and_features[1:]

        return words, features, token_size - 1

    // Below are helper functions for intra-class use only.

After Change

        words = []
        features = []
        n_feats = None
        for token in tokens:
            split_token = token.split(u"│")
            assert all([special != split_token[0] for special in specials]), \
                "Dataset cannot contain Special Tokens"

            if split_token[0]:
                words += [split_token[0]]
                features += [split_token[1:]]

                if n_feats is None:
                    n_feats = len(split_token)
                    assert len(split_token) == n_feats, \
                        "all words must have the same number of features"
        features = list(zip(*features))
        return tuple(words), features, n_feats - 1

    // Below are helper functions for intra-class use only.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py
Commit Name: 7fb5e9256e0e9ddab8ec7854fdf11fcdb5717a45
Time: 2018-09-05
Author: pltrdy@gmail.com
File Name: onmt/inputters/dataset_base.py
Class Name: DatasetBase
Method Name: extract_text_features

Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: 5ef0fc3215fb43f5772673b31c51ad8a6582bc39
Time: 2018-10-20
Author: mechaprabal@gmail.com
File Name: keras/backend/cntk_backend.py
Class Name:
Method Name: reshape

Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: cfbaec60c77448e6249f912d4b4d4a8c079f2bcf
Time: 2016-07-16
Author: farizrahman4u@gmail.com
File Name: keras/engine/topology.py
Class Name: Merge
Method Name: get_output_shape_for

Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: 5ef0fc3215fb43f5772673b31c51ad8a6582bc39
Time: 2018-10-20
Author: mechaprabal@gmail.com
File Name: keras/backend/cntk_backend.py
Class Name:
Method Name: squeeze