Before Change
:return: tuple of inputs for model forward pass
allowed_inputs = copy.copy(self.spaces.state.sub_spaces)
allowed_inputs["action"] = copy.copy(self.spaces.action)
allowed_inputs["goal"] = copy.copy(self.spaces.goal)
embedders = self.model.nets[0].input_embedders
inputs = tuple(nd .zeros((1,) + tuple(allowed_inputs[emb.embedder_name].shape.tolist())) for emb in embedders)
return inputs
def construct_model(self) -> None:
After Change
of the model weights and for printing the summary
:return: tuple of inputs for model forward pass
input_shapes = self._model_input_shapes()
inputs = tuple(nd .zeros(tuple(shape)) for shape in input_shapes)
return inputs
def construct_model(self) -> None:
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 8
Instances Project Name: NervanaSystems/coach
Commit Name: 67eb9e4c28098d93ac122d65833c20b22b7e86c7
Time: 2018-11-19
Author: sina.beh@gmail.com
File Name: rl_coach/architectures/mxnet_components/architecture.py
Class Name: MxnetArchitecture
Method Name: _dummy_model_inputs
Project Name: deepmipt/DeepPavlov
Commit Name: 0066f83bc6f9f3861119db2593c3007796d2056c
Time: 2018-08-30
Author: mary.vikhreva@gmail.com
File Name: deeppavlov/metrics/bleu.py
Class Name:
Method Name: per_item_bleu
Project Name: deepmipt/DeepPavlov
Commit Name: 0066f83bc6f9f3861119db2593c3007796d2056c
Time: 2018-08-30
Author: mary.vikhreva@gmail.com
File Name: deeppavlov/metrics/bleu.py
Class Name:
Method Name: per_item_dialog_bleu