
Before Change

    if self._mask.shape != w.shape[:self._mask.shape.ndims]:
      raise base.IncompatibleShapeError(
          "Invalid mask shape: {}. Weight shape: {}".format(
              self._mask.shape, w.shape
    // TF broadcasting is a bit fragile.
    // Expand the shape of self._mask by one dim at a time to the right
    // until the rank matches `weight_shape`.
    while self._mask.shape.ndims < w.shape.ndims:

After Change

    if mask_shape != w_shape[:mask_shape.ndims]:
      raise base.IncompatibleShapeError(
          "Invalid mask shape: {}. Weight shape: {}".format(
              mask_shape, w_shape
    // TF broadcasting is a bit fragile.
    // Expand the shape of self._mask by one dim at a time to the right
    // until the rank matches `weight_shape`.
    while self._mask.get_shape().ndims < w_shape.ndims:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: deepmind/sonnet
Commit Name: 62386f9bdb92662267f18fcf766c84ef6d0e7124
Time: 2018-07-17
Author: noreply@google.com
File Name: sonnet/python/modules/conv.py
Class Name: _ConvND
Method Name: _apply_mask

Project Name: deepmind/sonnet
Commit Name: de769df64ad870d9cc594c09f2d2e4cd5ae0ea21
Time: 2018-01-29
Author: noreply@google.com
File Name: sonnet/python/modules/conv.py
Class Name: SeparableConv2D
Method Name: _build

Project Name: deepmind/sonnet
Commit Name: de769df64ad870d9cc594c09f2d2e4cd5ae0ea21
Time: 2018-01-29
Author: noreply@google.com
File Name: sonnet/python/modules/conv.py
Class Name: DepthwiseConv2D
Method Name: _build