Before Change
return np.random.choice(np.arange(256), p=scaled_prediction)
def synthesize(self, mgc, batch_size, sample=True, temperature=1.0):
synth = []
history = dy.inputVector([127 for x in range(self.HISTORY)])
last_proc = 0
for mgc_index in range(len(mgc)):
curr_proc = int((mgc_index + 1) * 100 / len(mgc))
if curr_proc % 5 == 0 and curr_proc != last_proc:
while last_proc < curr_proc:
last_proc += 5
sys.stdout.write(" " + str(last_proc))
pred_probs = self._predict_one(mgc[mgc_index], history, runtime=True)
for output in pred_probs:
synth.append(self._pick_sample(output.npvalue(), temperature=temperature))
hist = synth[-self.HISTORY:]
history = (dy.inputVector(hist) - 127.0) / 128.0
return synth
After Change
def synthesize(self, mgc, batch_size, sample=True, temperature=1.0):
last_fft = None
predicted = np.zeros((len(mgc), 513), dtype=np.complex)
last_proc = 0
for mgc_index in range(len(mgc)):
curr_proc = int((mgc_index + 1) * 100 / len(mgc))
if curr_proc % 5 == 0 and curr_proc != last_proc:
while last_proc < curr_proc:
last_proc += 5
sys.stdout.write(" " + str(last_proc))
[output_real, output_imag] = self._predict_one(mgc[mgc_index], last_fft=last_fft, runtime=True)
last_fft = np.zeros(self.FFT_SIZE, dtype=np.complex)
out_real = output_real.value()
out_imag = output_imag.value()
for ii in range(self.FFT_SIZE):
last_fft[ii] = np.complex(out_real[ii], out_imag[ii])
predicted[mgc_index, ii] = np.complex(out_real[ii], out_imag[ii])
synth = self.vocoder.ifft(predicted, sample_rate=self.params.target_sample_rate)
// print(synth)
synth = np.array((synth + 1) * 32767, dtype=np.int16)
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 9
Project Name: tiberiu44/TTS-Cube
Commit Name: 2c6ce0ebfa9537246878e8fb9144e0c879fca17d
Time: 2018-10-22
Author: tibi@racai.ro
File Name: cube/models/vocoder.py
Class Name: BeeCoder
Method Name: synthesize
Project Name: taehoonlee/tensornets
Commit Name: b9927f30cb9c92040c30d0fe8c735d8baea167b2
Time: 2019-03-13
Author: me@taehoonlee.com
File Name: tensornets/layers.py
Class Name:
Method Name: gconvbn
Project Name: luispedro/mahotas
Commit Name: d3e1a0327bbd287f805f92cffcb6e1c584ed61cc
Time: 2010-11-22
Author: lpc@cmu.edu
File Name: mahotas/texture.py
Class Name:
Method Name: cooccurence