
Before Change

            if f2a is None: 
                // initialize the mel filter bank after grabbing the first frame
                f2a = melfb(sample_rate, len(frame), num_frequency_bands, mel_filter_width)
                f2a = f2a[:,:(round(len(frame)/2) + 1)]

                n   = f2a.shape[0]
                // initialze the state vector
                state   = numpy.zeros( (n, 1) )
                fbg     = numpy.zeros( (n, 1) )


            // FFT each frame

After Change

        // Iterate over frames
        for frame in frame_iterator:
            frame = numpy.frombuffer(frame, "h")

            if f2a is None: 
                // initialize the mel filter bank after grabbing the first frame

                f2a = melfb(sample_rate, len(frame), num_frequency_bands, mel_filter_width)
//                 f2a = f2a[:,:(round(len(frame)/2) + 1)]

                //% map back to FFT grid, flatten bark loop gain
                //sf2a = sum(f2a);

                normalize_f2a                       = numpy.sum(f2a, axis=0)
                normalize_f2a[normalize_f2a == 0]   = 1.0
                normalize_f2a                       = 1.0 / normalize_f2a

                // initialze the state vector
                state   = numpy.zeros( (num_frequency_bands, 1) )[0]


            // FFT each frame
            D = scipy.fft(frame)

            // multiply by f2a
            audiogram = numpy.dot(f2a, numpy.abs(D))

            //// DPWE
            //             state = max([alpha*state,audgram(:,i)],[],2);
            //             fbg(:,i) = state;
            // ...
            state = numpy.maximum(alpha * state, audiogram)

            //E = diag(1./(sf2a+(sf2a==0))) * f2a" * fbg;
            E   = normalize_f2a * numpy.dot(f2a.T, state);

            //% Remove any zeros in E (shouldn"t be any, but who knows?)
            //E(E(:)<=0) = min(E(E(:)>0));

            //% invert back to waveform
            //y = istft(D./E);

            y = scipy.ifft(D/E)

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 9


Project Name: librosa/librosa
Commit Name: d8ab8131e19498c2b9bed8d218e4e46eedc7cf21
Time: 2012-10-20
Author: brm2132@columbia.edu
File Name: librosa/tf_agc.py
Class Name:
Method Name: tf_agc

Project Name: keunwoochoi/kapre
Commit Name: fe8a6175dc98c7bc3b667fe88afcb5c2a4c94169
Time: 2017-01-17
Author: gnuchoi+github@gmail.com
File Name: kapre/stft.py
Class Name: Stft
Method Name: call

Project Name: donlnz/nonconformist
Commit Name: ad8f38c5c2687793d88c990a54bf9f3c9aeecf42
Time: 2018-01-19
Author: giovanni.cherubin@gmail.com
File Name: nonconformist/cp.py
Class Name: TcpClassifier
Method Name: predict