Before Change
// xyz tensor [,,, 3]
def spherical_harmonics_xyz(x, y, z, J):
with torch_default_dtype(torch.float64):
if x == y == z == 0: // angles at origin are nan, special treatment
if J == 0: // Y^0 is angularly independent, choose any angle
return spherical_harmonics(0, 123, 321) // [m]
else: // insert zeros for Y^J with J!=0
return 0
else: // not at the origin, sample spherical harmonic
alpha, beta = x_to_alpha_beta([x, y, z])
return spherical_harmonics(J, alpha, beta) // [m]
def compose(a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2):
(a, b, c) = (a1, b1, c1) composed with (a2, b2, c2)
After Change
:param xyz: tensor of shape [A, 3]
:return: tensor of shape [m, A]
if not isinstance(order, list):
order = [order]
with torch_default_dtype(torch.float64):
alpha, beta = x_to_alpha_beta(xyz) // two tensors of shape [A]
out = spherical_harmonics(order, alpha, beta) // [m, A]
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 8
Instances Project Name: mariogeiger/se3cnn
Commit Name: 851b618c26a3ab02076e7f40a54d7542e404013b
Time: 2018-12-10
Author: geiger.mario@gmail.com
File Name: se3cnn/SO3.py
Class Name:
Method Name: spherical_harmonics_xyz
Project Name: mariogeiger/se3cnn
Commit Name: 851b618c26a3ab02076e7f40a54d7542e404013b
Time: 2018-12-10
Author: geiger.mario@gmail.com
File Name: se3cnn/SO3.py
Class Name:
Method Name: spherical_harmonics_xyz
Project Name: scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize
Commit Name: d0e1155acebbe36ac767e939060aeba4d53f0e07
Time: 2017-11-11
Author: franck@sancare.fr
File Name: skopt/searchcv.py
Class Name: BayesSearchCV
Method Name: _check_search_space
Project Name: scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize
Commit Name: d0e1155acebbe36ac767e939060aeba4d53f0e07
Time: 2017-11-11
Author: franck@sancare.fr
File Name: skopt/searchcv.py
Class Name: BayesSearchCV
Method Name: fit