
Before Change

    dim = len(dist)

    //sample from the inumpyut dist
    samples = dist.sample(sample, **kws)

    qoi_dists = []
    for i in range(0, len(poly)):
        //sample the polynomial solution
        if dim == 1:
            dataset = poly[i](samples)
            dataset = poly[i](*samples)

        lo = dataset.min()

After Change

    dim = len(dist)

    //sample from the input dist
    samples = numpy.atleast_2d(dist.sample(sample, **kws))
    qoi_dist = chaospy.GaussianKDE(poly(*samples))
    return qoi_dist
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: jonathf/chaospy
Commit Name: 918b07abd405ced498513e874b6fa9e44153aa2b
Time: 2020-10-26
Author: jonathf@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: chaospy/descriptives/quantity_of_interest.py
Class Name:
Method Name: QoI_Dist

Project Name: daavoo/pyntcloud
Commit Name: 88af2371706342c39aeb318dc3140d8bbb8628a8
Time: 2017-05-24
Author: jcole+github@3rivers3d.com
File Name: pyntcloud/sampling/s_points.py
Class Name: RandomPoints
Method Name: compute

Project Name: NVIDIA/sentiment-discovery
Commit Name: 1e74a8f1162b948ee0fae456da148315baf0c66a
Time: 2018-03-22
Author: raulp@dbcluster.nvidia.com
File Name: generate.py
Class Name:
Method Name: process_text

Project Name: masa-su/pixyz
Commit Name: c9a2beba5cfed8be10fff48493d740076b9388f1
Time: 2019-10-23
Author: kaneko@weblab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
File Name: pixyz/losses/losses.py
Class Name: Expectation
Method Name: _get_eval