
Before Change

    // Search range for previous beat: number of samples forward/backward to look
    search_window   = numpy.round(numpy.arange(-2 * period, -period/2 + 1))

    // TODO:   2012-11-07 15:25:30 by Brian McFee <brm2132@columbia.edu>
    //  make a better variable name for this

    // Make a score window, which begins biased toward start_bpm and skewed 
    //txwt   = numpy.exp(-0.5 * (tightness * (numpy.log(-search_window) - numpy.log(period)))**2)

    txwt    = - tightness * numpy.abs(numpy.log(-search_window) - numpy.log(period))**2

    // Are we on the first beat?
    first_beat      = True

    // Forward step
    for i in xrange(len(localscore)):
        time_range          = i + search_window

        // Are we reaching back before time 0?
        z_pad               = numpy.maximum(0, numpy.minimum(- time_range[0], len(search_window)))
        // max
        //       0
        //       min
        //           -time_range[0]          (2 * period - i)        // for big enough i, this wins
        //           len(search_window)      (3 * period / 2)

        // Search over all possible predecessors and apply transition weighting
        // txwt + [zeros(1, zpad), cumscore(time_range[zpad:])]
        score_candidates                = txwt.copy()
        score_candidates[z_pad:]        = score_candidates[z_pad:] + cumscore[time_range[z_pad:]]

        // Find the best predecessor beat
        beat_location       = numpy.argmax(score_candidates)
        current_score       = score_candidates[beat_location]

        // Add the local score
        //cumscore[i]         = alpha * current_score + (1-alpha) * localscore[i]
        cumscore[i]         = current_score + localscore[i] - alpha

        // Special case the first onset.  Stop if the localscore is small

        if first_beat and localscore[i] < 0.01 * max_localscore:
            backlink[i]     = -1
            backlink[i]     = time_range[beat_location]
            first_beat      = False

    //     TODO:   2012-11-07 16:30:23 by Brian McFee <brm2132@columbia.edu>
    // pick up here 

    ////// Get the last beat
    maxes                   = librosa.localmax(cumscore)
    max_indices             = numpy.nonzero(maxes)[0]
    peak_scores             = cumscore[max_indices]

    // TODO:   2012-11-07 16:29:29 by Brian McFee <brm2132@columbia.edu>
    //   what is this sorcery?
    median_score            = numpy.median(peak_scores)
    bestendposs             = numpy.nonzero(cumscore * maxes > 0.5 * median_score)[0]

    // The last of these is the last beat (since score generally increases)
    bestendx                = numpy.max(bestendposs)

    b                       = [int(bestendx)]
    backlink = backlink.astype(int)
    while backlink[b[-1]] >= 0:
        b = numpy.concatenate((b, [backlink[b[-1]]]), axis=0)

    return b[::-1]

def onset_estimate_bpm(onsets, sampling_rate=8000, hop_length=32, start_bpm=120):

    auto_correlation_size   = 4.0

After Change


    return numpy.array(b)

def onset_estimate_bpm(onsets, sampling_rate=8000, hop_length=32, start_bpm=120):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: librosa/librosa
Commit Name: 538f969f17ef232c75588dfa2a3157bd97aae45d
Time: 2013-02-11
Author: brm2132@columbia.edu
File Name: librosa/beat.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _beat_tracker

Project Name: comic/grand-challenge.org
Commit Name: 6789d0372044e4234d209710910f9a56efaaf586
Time: 2019-05-14
Author: code@jmsmkn.com
File Name: app/grandchallenge/profiles/views.py
Class Name:
Method Name: profile_edit_redirect

Project Name: comic/grand-challenge.org
Commit Name: 6789d0372044e4234d209710910f9a56efaaf586
Time: 2019-05-14
Author: code@jmsmkn.com
File Name: app/grandchallenge/profiles/views.py
Class Name:
Method Name: profile