
Before Change

    p_new = np.zeros_like(p_old)

    for observation_interval in observation_intervals:
        p_temp = np.zeros_like(p_old)

        // find all turnbull intervals, t, that are contained in (ol, or). Call this set T
        // the denominator is sum of p_old[T] probabilities
        // the numerator is p_old[t]

After Change

        // the numerator is p_old[t]

        ix = list(turnbull_interval_lookup[observation_interval])
        p_new[ix] += p_old[ix] / p_old[ix].sum()

    return p_new / N
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 5

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: CamDavidsonPilon/lifelines
Commit Name: f11a86c39ee6d622e51bd67b58f691918c399e2e
Time: 2020-05-17
Author: cam.davidson.pilon@gmail.com
File Name: lifelines/fitters/npmle.py
Class Name:
Method Name: E_step_M_step

Project Name: librosa/librosa
Commit Name: c083a0333c395d5a45fb0ba3bedaf8aba5a39b85
Time: 2013-03-23
Author: brm2132@columbia.edu
File Name: librosa/feature.py
Class Name:
Method Name: mel_to_hz

Project Name: librosa/librosa
Commit Name: c083a0333c395d5a45fb0ba3bedaf8aba5a39b85
Time: 2013-03-23
Author: brm2132@columbia.edu
File Name: librosa/feature.py
Class Name:
Method Name: hz_to_mel

Project Name: fgnt/pb_bss
Commit Name: 4c9a80db1829d3ca243ebf6e55bcee9fb6cfb20d
Time: 2018-11-05
Author: heitkaemper@nt.upb.de
File Name: nt/speech_enhancement/beamformer.py
Class Name:
Method Name: block_online_beamforming

Project Name: scikit-image/scikit-image
Commit Name: 144e8071c39464c4dc42054dc74710686cd1e408
Time: 2019-10-18
Author: Dave.Mellert@jax.org
File Name: skimage/filters/window.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_window2