
Before Change

            for e_class_id, entities in edge.get_any_entities_in_sentences(predicted=False).items():
                count = len(entities)
                if e_class_id in [edge.entity1.class_id, edge.entity2.class_id]:
                    // Rest -1 thus removing each consider pair of entities
                    count -= 1

                // TODO feature select with integer value or binary representation ?
                // self.add(f_set, is_train, edge, "f_counts", "binary", e_class_id, "is", count)
                self.add_with_value(f_set, is_train, edge, "f_counts", count, "int", e_class_id)

            for e_class_id, entities in edge.get_any_entities_between_entities(predicted=False).items():
                count = str(len(entities))

After Change

            for e_class_id, entities in edge.get_any_entities_in_sentences(predicted=False).items():
                count = -1  // start from -1, as one is already one of the edge"s entities
                count += len(entities)
                assert count >= 0
                self.add_with_value(f_set, is_train, edge, "f_counts", count, "int", e_class_id)

            count = 0
            for e_class_id, entities in edge.get_any_entities_between_entities(predicted=False).items():
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 6

Non-data size: 3


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Time: 2017-01-12
Author: i@juanmi.rocks
File Name: nalaf/features/relations/new/sentence.py
Class Name: SentenceFeatureGenerator
Method Name: generate

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Time: 2019-04-03
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Class Name:
Method Name:

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Time: 2019-03-15
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Class Name:
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Time: 2018-05-17
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Class Name:
Method Name: IsResidueConnected