raise NotFittedError("This PHATE instance is not fitted yet. Call "
""fit" with appropriate arguments before "
"using this method.")
elif X is not None and not np.all(X == self.X):
// fit to external data
warnings.warn("Pre-fit PHATE cannot be used to transform a "
"new data matrix. Please fit PHATE to the new"
After Change
raise NotFittedError("This PHATE instance is not fitted yet. Call "
""fit" with appropriate arguments before "
"using this method.")
elif X is not None and not (X != self.X).sum() == 0:
// fit to external data
warnings.warn("Pre-fit PHATE cannot be used to transform a "
"new data matrix. Please fit PHATE to the new"
" data by running "fit" with the new data.",