// convert input endmember signatures into arrays of each endmember across bands
// [[vegB, vegG, vegR, ...], [shadowB, shadowG, shadowR, ...], [...]]
signaturesArray = np.array(self.inputSignatures.values())
// transpose signature axes to into arrays of each band"s endmembers
// [[vegB, shadowB, npvB, ...], [vegG, shadowG, npvG, ...], [...]]
// assign to coefficients member var to use in np.linalg.lstsq()
After Change
// ... and then transpose signature axes to into arrays of each band"s endmembers
// [[vegB, shadowB, npvB, ...], [vegG, shadowG, npvG, ...], [...]]
// assign to coefficients member var to use in np.linalg.lstsq()
self.coefficients = np.array(list(self.signatures.values())).T
// output bandCount is number of endmembers + 1 residuals raster
if self.coefficients.shape[0] != kwargs["raster_info"]["bandCount"]: