
Before Change

        if isinstance(coord, coord_flip):
            axis, other_axis = other_axis, axis

        breaks = getattr(panel_params, axis).breaks
        range = getattr(panel_params, axis).range
        other_range = getattr(panel_params, other_axis).range

        // Breaks along the width

After Change

        range = _axis.range
        other_range = getattr(panel_params, other_axis).range

        if fill_range == "auto":
            if isinstance(_axis.scale, scale_discrete):
                fill_range = "nocycle"
                fill_range = "cycle"

        // Breaks along the width
        n_stripes = len(breaks)
        if n_stripes > 1:
            diff = np.diff(breaks)
            step = diff[0]
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: has2k1/plotnine
Commit Name: f2435e3ac209629cfd89ddbd94826f8cf0db9aa5
Time: 2020-06-01
Author: has2k1@gmail.com
File Name: plotnine/geoms/annotation_stripes.py
Class Name: _geom_stripes
Method Name: draw_group

Project Name: fperazzi/proSR
Commit Name: 6fc77d75bdb46feffa39ad2c389def87643bdcf3
Time: 2018-08-08
Author: fperazzi@adobe.com
File Name: test.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: rail-berkeley/softlearning
Commit Name: abb4e425ff57acad92d42e92a6c76526a3b49e27
Time: 2019-02-04
Author: hartikainen@berkeley.edu
File Name: softlearning/samplers/simple_sampler.py
Class Name: SimpleSampler
Method Name: sample

Project Name: jazzband/django-debug-toolbar
Commit Name: b66c950d4cb8672a924f9652224772d7219abbe2
Time: 2008-10-02
Author: rob@cogit8.org
File Name: debug_toolbar/middleware.py
Class Name: DebugToolbarMiddleware
Method Name: process_request