Before Change
for composite_axis in composite_axes_left:
found = {axis for axis in composite_axis if known_lengths[axis] is not None}
not_found = {axis for axis in composite_axis if known_lengths[axis] is None}
if len(not_found) == 0:
// imitating that size of the first one was not computed
not_found_axis = composite_axis[0]
assert len(not_found) == 1
assert len(not_found) + len(found) == len(composite_axis)
axis, = not_found
computed_id = position_lookup[axis]
After Change
// TODO add dots
if operation == "none":
difference = set.symmetric_difference(identifiers_left, identifiers_rght)
if len(difference) > 0:
raise RuntimeError("Identifiers were only one side of expression: {}".format(difference))
difference = set.difference(identifiers_rght, identifiers_left)
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 3
Instances Project Name: arogozhnikov/einops
Commit Name: 680f4831e6c8f3102be8d99056b746b48ce34051
Time: 2018-09-27
Author: iamfullofspam@gmail.com
File Name: einops.py
Class Name:
Method Name: reduce
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Commit Name: f8d9a6c144ef84bad2478a4ba4eedb1c559274e0
Time: 2020-11-11
Author: rfezzani@gmail.com
File Name: skimage/_shared/coord.py
Class Name:
Method Name: ensure_spacing
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Commit Name: 1bcad437d2c1b57d582b893427bd53cd90eeafbf
Time: 2019-05-12
Author: dlerch@gmail.com
File Name: aletheia/feaext.py
Class Name:
Method Name: extract_features