
Before Change

    recall_point = 0.95
    // Sort label-score tuples by the score in descending order.
    sorted_scores = zip(labels, scores)
    sorted_scores.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False)

    // Compute error rate
    n_match = sum(1 for x in sorted_scores if x[0] == 1)

After Change

    // (np.argmax returns the first occurrence of a "1" in a bool array). 
    threshold_index = np.argmax(np.cumsum(labels) >= recall_point * np.sum(labels)) 

    FP = np.sum(labels[:threshold_index] == 0) // Below threshold (i.e., labelled positive), but should be negative
    TN = np.sum(labels[threshold_index:] == 0) // Above threshold (i.e., labelled negative), and should be negative
    return float(FP) / float(FP + TN)
"""import operator
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 2


Project Name: DagnyT/hardnet
Commit Name: 04cd555be76efc7baced753c751c4257d41eb75d
Time: 2017-07-27
Author: ducha.aiki@gmail.com
File Name: EvalMetrics.py
Class Name:
Method Name: ErrorRateAt95Recall

Project Name: maxpumperla/deep_learning_and_the_game_of_go
Commit Name: a17ac3677d207e04a53ed70fa971fbf436c0266f
Time: 2020-04-08
Author: 41198454+JingOY0610@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: code/dlgo/agent/alphago.py
Class Name: AlphaGoMCTS
Method Name: policy_rollout

Project Name: AxeldeRomblay/MLBox
Commit Name: 5229c0512485bbf06c20bf9c1ce631d3e3c8517e
Time: 2017-07-26
Author: axelderomblay@gmail.com
File Name: python-package/mlbox/prediction/predictor.py
Class Name: Predictor
Method Name: __plot_feature_importances