
Before Change

final_pred = final_test["fullVisitorId"]

final_pred[train_yht] = test_y

After Change

//merge the predictions with the sample sub
submission = submission.merge(final_by_ind, on = "fullVisitorId", how = "left")
//fill nas and move to right column name
submission["PredictedLogRevenue"] = submission["test_pred"].fillna(0.0)
submission = submission.drop(["test_pred"], axis = 1)

//submit the output
submission.to_csv("cam_lightgbm_pred2.csv", index = False)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: CNuge/kaggle-code
Commit Name: 5980329d949dd0d9764357a70c36da44645ce503
Time: 2018-10-18
Author: nugentc@uoguelph.ca
File Name: google_analytics/xgb_predict_spending.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: 0ad3d83045cbce45d497e097faf62298b99331bc
Time: 2015-12-13
Author: yashuseth2503@gmail.com
File Name: pgmpy/estimators/MLE.py
Class Name: MaximumLikelihoodEstimator
Method Name: get_parameters

Project Name: CNuge/kaggle-code
Commit Name: 5980329d949dd0d9764357a70c36da44645ce503
Time: 2018-10-18
Author: nugentc@uoguelph.ca
File Name: google_analytics/model_template.py
Class Name:
Method Name: