
Before Change

                g = self.gate_act(g)
                begin_g = 0  // index of first scalar gate capsule

            z = y.new_empty((y.size(0), size_out, y.size(2)))
            begin_y = 0  // index of first capsule

            for n, mul in enumerate(self.repr_out):

After Change

    def forward(self, input, difference_matrix, relative_mask=None):
        y = self.conv(input, difference_matrix, relative_mask)  // [batch, channel, N]

        if self.scalar_act is None and self.gate_act is None:
            return y

        has_batch = difference_matrix.dim() == 4
        if not has_batch:
            difference_matrix = difference_matrix.unsqueeze(0)
            y = y.unsqueeze(0)

        batch, N, _M, _ = difference_matrix.size()

        size_out = sum(mul * (2 * l + 1) for l, mul in enumerate(self.repr_out))

        if self.gate_act is not None:
            g = y[:, size_out:]
            g = self.gate_act(g)
            begin_g = 0  // index of first scalar gate capsule

        z = y.new_empty(batch, size_out, N)
        begin_y = 0  // index of first capsule

        for l, mul in enumerate(self.repr_out):
            if mul == 0:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: mariogeiger/se3cnn
Commit Name: 9c309a959052ec40cf92cf4baa3894f5118cf8c4
Time: 2019-07-08
Author: geiger.mario@gmail.com
File Name: se3cnn/blocks/point_gated_block.py
Class Name: PointGatedBlock
Method Name: forward

Project Name: mapillary/inplace_abn
Commit Name: 4a53e30fafdd8c65c42d0cf978312e6333182db4
Time: 2018-05-21
Author: lorenzo@mapillary.com
File Name: modules/functions.py
Class Name: InPlaceABN
Method Name: forward

Project Name: mapillary/inplace_abn
Commit Name: 4a53e30fafdd8c65c42d0cf978312e6333182db4
Time: 2018-05-21
Author: lorenzo@mapillary.com
File Name: modules/functions.py
Class Name: InPlaceABNSync
Method Name: forward