Before Change
if artifacts is not None:
// Semi-hack: make sure "retval" artifact does have
// local path setup
// (it could be overwritten by experiment artifacts provided
After Change
if artifacts is not None:
for tag, art_dict in artifacts.items():
art_update = std_artifacts_dict.get(tag, None)
if art_update is not None:
// Build table of experiment artifacts:
self.artifacts = dict()
for tag, art in artifacts.items():
self.artifacts[tag] = Artifact(tag, art)
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 4
Instances Project Name: studioml/studio
Commit Name: 28e3d00f5e8625dc6d2743749a2d25acc040e875
Time: 2021-02-11
Author: andrei.denissov@cognizant.com
File Name: studio/experiment.py
Class Name: Experiment
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: jazzband/django-debug-toolbar
Commit Name: c20e83fc946c8898d40b0210f71286575891ae94
Time: 2011-09-15
Author: brandon@konkle.us
File Name: debug_toolbar/panels/__init__.py
Class Name: DebugPanel
Method Name: record_stats
Project Name: theislab/scanpy
Commit Name: 37ef2c69f22a6e2d1232782dd3e192a003731a75
Time: 2020-11-25
Author: michal.klein@protonmail.com
File Name: scanpy/readwrite.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _download