
Before Change

        if xi.size != 6:
            raise ValueError("xi must have size 6")

        return cls(SO3.exp(xi[3:6]), xi[0:3])

    def log(self):
        Logarithmic map for SE(3)

After Change

        if xi.size != 6:
            raise ValueError("xi must have size 6")

        rho = xi[0:3]
        phi = xi[3:6]
        return cls(SO3.exp(phi), SO3.left_jacobian(phi).dot(rho))

    def log(self):
        Logarithmic map for SE(3)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: utiasSTARS/liegroups
Commit Name: 6f38a9c8a9b7d3201c014c3b9846482f3749e95f
Time: 2016-10-14
Author: clement.leopold@gmail.com
File Name: liegroups/se3.py
Class Name: SE3
Method Name: exp

Project Name: utiasSTARS/liegroups
Commit Name: 6f38a9c8a9b7d3201c014c3b9846482f3749e95f
Time: 2016-10-14
Author: clement.leopold@gmail.com
File Name: liegroups/se2.py
Class Name: SE2
Method Name: exp

Project Name: rasbt/mlxtend
Commit Name: 967e77866ca63db25f5b688db4be5d55480a1102
Time: 2016-07-13
Author: mail@sebastianraschka.com
File Name: mlxtend/classifier/multilayerperceptron.py
Class Name: MultiLayerPerceptron
Method Name: _softmax

Project Name: rasbt/mlxtend
Commit Name: 967e77866ca63db25f5b688db4be5d55480a1102
Time: 2016-07-13
Author: mail@sebastianraschka.com
File Name: mlxtend/classifier/softmax_regression.py
Class Name: SoftmaxRegression
Method Name: _softmax