
Before Change

            print("Iterating epochs ...")
        verbose = False if self.n_jobs > 1 else self.verbose
        corrs = parallel(my_iterator(self, epochs, idxs, verbose)
                         for idxs in np.array_split(np.arange(n_epochs),
        self.corr_ = np.concatenate(corrs)
        if self.verbose is not False and self.n_jobs > 1:

After Change

        if self.verbose is not False and self.n_jobs > 1:
            print("Iterating epochs ...")
        verbose = False if self.n_jobs > 1 else self.verbose
        self.ch_subsets_ = [self._get_random_subsets(
                            epochs.info, self.random_state + random_state)
                            for random_state in np.arange(0, n_epochs, n_jobs)]
        epoch_idxs = np.array_split(np.arange(n_epochs), n_jobs)
        corrs = parallel(my_iterator(self, epochs, idxs, chs, verbose)
                         for idxs, chs in zip(epoch_idxs, self.ch_subsets_))
        self.corr_ = np.concatenate(corrs)
        if self.verbose is not False and self.n_jobs > 1:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: autoreject/autoreject
Commit Name: e6dc6899d0aa846636c48562c79b161347c35235
Time: 2019-06-04
Author: mainakjas@gmail.com
File Name: autoreject/ransac.py
Class Name: Ransac
Method Name: fit

Project Name: statsmodels/statsmodels
Commit Name: 72e735a98644b76208d558c0b85150190594c5b1
Time: 2020-06-28
Author: kevin.sheppard@gmail.com
File Name: statsmodels/tools/tools.py
Class Name:
Method Name: add_constant

Project Name: astorfi/TensorFlow-World
Commit Name: 874382bfb96b92dcfdd6326ba83c54ad1e9d42f2
Time: 2017-06-26
Author: amirsina.torfi@gmail.com
File Name: codes/2-basics_in_machine_learning/linear_regression/code/linear_regression.py
Class Name:
Method Name: